Purpose of TBOC
TBOC has grown, developed and matured within the past two years. It stands for The Body of Christ. Several years ago I was riding on the train and when the train stopped this woman standing on the platform started running from cart to cart screaming out “Jesus is Lord.” The other train riders started to ridicule her. I was young and didn’t know what to say and I was afraid. She was right and I believed it. I should have spoken up but I did not say anything…
That weekend I continued to reflect on it and noticed that we represent God well and are Super Christians on Sundays, but on Monday through Saturday we blend right back into the society. The scripture tells us the we are the salt of the earth and you can’t hide salt amongst any seasoning…. it’s supposed to stands out.
That is where TBOC’s birth came from. Monday through Saturday we are wearing all kinds of clothes and looking all kinds of ways, but on Sundays we represent God- not only in our deeds and actions but by the way we dress.
TBOC is a way to bring God to my week. Even if I don’t have a suit on, wherever I go I’m reppin Christ. Instead of wearing some other brand, I reach for the TBOC wear…